7/6/2019: Recently we made the acquaintance of Ms Haywire. We find her bid for the White House fascinating and will be watching the debate at 3 pm PST. So, from the campaign of Rachel Haywire for President:
For immediate release:
Rachel Haywire to Run for Transhumanist President
Rachel Haywire is a transhumanist artist, industrial musician, and model who identifies as a Cultural Futurist. Growing up reading authors ranging from Nietzsche to William Gibson to Philip K. Dick, she has always a desire to transcend humanity while exploring the universes of science fiction and beyond. Today she is virtually debating 3 other candidates in the transhumanist primaries, which you can tune into live at 3 PM PST here.
Rachel has plans to build a pirate spaceship to defeat Donald Trump, and you can view her platform on the United States Transhumanist Party website here. Some of her key issues involve giving every American citizen UBI ($2K a month), creating legal protections for cryonics patients, life extension for all human beings, and restrictions on imperialist global trade, and installing crypto-currency healthcare for specialized treatments. Rachel believes that the science fiction of today is the reality of tomorrow, and thinks that the future can be engineered by utilizing the visions of art and music to influence culture and technology.