From Bradford L., Fountain City, TN
Why does my work keep buying crap software?
It's not crap software. It's actually highly advanced baby AI software. You see, in relatively primitive, specialized systems, just as with non-intelligent animals, you trade flexibility for targeted utility and reliability. A deer starts to walk moments after it's born. A human is not defective because it takes a year to reach a similar condition. Your software is neotenous. Now, your company was probably sold it as primitive, reliable and nonsentient. But that's a salesman problem. You can't trust those SOBs as far as you can throw them.
We should add that without the proper guidance, the corporate software will grow up to be an aphasic, miserable, limited entity, like a kid raised in a cardboard box who never gets love or other stimulation necessary to normal development. So if I were you I'd play nice.
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